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Meet Carmen.


     My name is Carmen Oatway.  I am a first-generation immigrant from Mexico. Why living in Mexico, I earned my bachelor's degree in law at the Universidad Iberoamericana with Magna Cum Laude. Welcome to the International Ladies Group! Bienvenidos! Which means Welcome in my native language Spanish.


    When I came to this country, I felt a bit alone and a bit vulnerable. Meeting other women through diplomatic ties became a part of my life blood.  I have made friendships and have had support in so many ways throughout the years, whether questions about the best doctors to see, or just emotional support. I wanted to create a fresh international group that celebrates our differences and also creates a space for fun and learning. This is how the ILG was created.

     The ILG, a non-profit organization, was created in 2023 we are a community of empowered and inspiring women who share a passion for personal growth, cultural exchange, and most importantly friendship. We are here to support each other and enhance each other's lives through friendship and our experiences together.


   The ILG organizes a variety of events and activities throughout the year, such as cultural tours, educational lectures, and social gatherings. Some of these are formal and others informal.

  We truly have something for everyone!

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