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Welcome to the ILG
We have been waiting for you!

The International Women's group offers women who are new to the DMV the hand of friendship and unity.  We are a group of international women who value the expertise of our long-term residents, as well as our seasoned expats.


The ILG welcomes all of our members with open arms!

All of our stories are as unique as each other, and we are here to share those stories, our knowledge and most importantly friendship. 


We keep our meetings upbeat and fun and create activities and events that are fun and fulfilling for us all.

The ILG is here to make your time in the DMV

more enjoyable and fun. Together we bring the fun and flavor to all our events!





"Alone we can do so little,

Together we can do so much.

 There is strength in numbers and

When women stand together,

We can change our worlds,

And the world."


Upcoming Events.

No hay eventos en este momento

Join Us Today.

Become a member, Join other women & girls in the DMV.

We look forward to meet you

at one of our upcoming events!

Women Holding Hands

"Our strength as women is magnified when we come together and support each other. Let's continue to build a community that empowers women from all backgrounds.

Our house is your house."

- Carmen Oatway

President of ILG

Contact Us.


+1 703-593-1305


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